Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sugar Cravings - The Dangers of Sugar

Author: Nancy Desjardins

Before you start the Sugar Free Lifestyle, it's important to understand what we're up against and just how dangerous sugar can be.

Thousands of years ago, the only sugar available was from fruits or honey, but as human technology has progressed, so has humankind's ability to re?ne sugar from sugar cane or beets into a tasty sweetener.

Unfortunately, our bodies were not built to process re?ned sugar—it is alien to our systems. Raymond Francis, DSc, MSc, RNC, author of Never Be Fat Again, says that "feeding re?ned sugar to a human body is similar to burning high-octane aircraft fuel in an automobile engine. Impressive amounts of energy, but after a while, you damage the engine."

And that is exactly what has happened to us. We have "damaged our engines." As we have increased our consumption of sugar over the years, diseases have also increased.

While our bodies are trying desperately to somehow process these useless re?ned sugars, they are forced to deplete important vitamins and minerals that would otherwise be keeping us balanced, healthy and functioning properly.

This disruption of the body's balanced state (called homeostasis) causes all sorts of serious, life- threatening, preventable conditions such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

For example, some of those minerals that the body redirects in order to deal with sugar are actually designed to help us digest our food."> those minerals, we don't digest our food properly, which means we don't get the nutrients from any healthy food we ARE eating.

Improper digestion also promotes food allergies. Food allergies cause serious physical, emotional and cognitive problems, as well as decreased immunity.

Digestion is only one of many bodily functions that are severely impaired when we consume sugar. And just look at all of the problems that causes!

Sugar also causes reactive hypoglycemia, a dramatic rise and fall of blood sugar which creates a strong craving for more sweets (which starts the cycle all over again). Sugar intake can bring on trembling, amnesia, and even hallucinations and violent behavior, similar to what you might see with the use of addictive drugs. These reactions can mimic mental illnesses.

The calories in sugar are considered empty calories because they contain no vitamins and minerals. It is no wonder that people who eat mainly sugary foods feel so sluggish and heavy all the time.

We know that consuming too much sugar leads to fat build-up in the belly, hips, buttocks and breasts.

What you might not know is that once those areas are ?lled up, the liver starts depositing fat around vital organs like the heart and kidneys. Not only can this lead to high blood pressure, it can also result in damage to your brain function.

Even in the short term, your brain is affected by sugar. In fact, you'll likely feel the effects right away. As soon as the "low" sets in, sugar dulls your brain, so you'll feel sleepy. You'll probably also ?nd yourself forgetting things or having trouble making simple calculations.

The next time you have a craving for cookies or ice cream or doughnuts, imagine the chaos you are about to set in motion inside your body. You may be getting ready to swallow the recipe for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, kidney stones, yeast infections, headaches, arthritis or allergies.

How about it?
Do you still want that slice of chocolate cream pie?


According to William Dufty, author of Sugar Blues, "Sugar of all kinds—natural sugars, such as those in unpasteurized honey and fruit (fructose), as well as the re?ned white stuff (sucrose)—tends to arrest the secretion of gastric juices and have an inhibiting effect on the stomach's natural ability to move.

Sugars are not digested in the mouth, like cereals, or in the stomach, like animal ?esh. When taken alone, they pass quickly through the stomach into the small intestine. When sugars are eaten with other foods - perhaps meat and bread in a sandwich, they are held up in the stomach for awhile. "The sugar in the bread and the Coke sit there with the hamburger and the bun waiting for them to be digested. While the stomach is working on the animal protein and the re?ned starch in the bread, the addition of the sugar practically guarantees rapid acid fermentation under the conditions of warmth and moisture existing in the stomach."

One lump of sugar in your coffee after a sandwich is enough to turn your stomach into a fermenter! One soft drink with a hamburger is enough to turn your stomach into a still!

Article Source:

About the Author

I have been an experienced holistic nutritionist for the past 16 years helping people just like you, finally eliminate the stranglehold that sugar and empty carbohydrates has on their lives.For most of my life,">Sugar Cravings I had sugar and food cravings. I was just like you.

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